allows you to lookup or report an IP abuse case. Please take note that the abuse records listed on this website was the summarized results compiled from all reporters, and it's only just for your information. We do not guarantee the correctness, reliability and completeness of the abuse data.

IP Information is not an abuse IP

The IP geolocation information on is sourced from the IP Geolocation API. Sign up for free API access now. If you would like to check if the given IP address is an proxy, you may use this tool IP Proxy Detection for lookup.

Recent Lookup IP Addresses

This section contains the latest 10 IP addresses queried by our clients.

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country flag  2a06:98c1:3121::3
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LiveIPMap is a platform open for everyone to report an IP abuse case or to request the release of a falsified abuse case. Anyone is free to lookup for an abuse case. Abuse data listed on this website is real-time updated.

You can click on the Not An Abuse button to dispute an abuse report. Our QA team will review your reason for the delisting. However, the delisting process may take up days or weeks depending on our load..

IP2Location IP Geolocation
IP2Location Widget
IP Geolocation API
IP Address Map